Policies – Weather Cancellations


With a forecast for snow 9 months of the year in Minnesota, 全球赌博十大网站希望提醒所有校园社区成员有关延迟的政策/程序, cancellation or closing of the campus. (有关因恶劣天气或其他紧急情况而导致校园关闭或取消课程或活动的政策/程序的完整清单, please refer to Policy 4.4 Weather/Emergency Closings).

以下是罗切斯特社区和技术学院(全球赌博十大网站)在由于恶劣天气或其他紧急情况需要关闭校园或取消学术或非学术活动时所遵循的程序, 以及描述明尼苏达州在校园关闭期间普遍存在的工作条件的程序.


  • 关闭校园:关闭校园意味着停止校园内的所有活动, 除了那些被认为对保护生命和财产至关重要的行动之外. 关闭校园导致课程、学生和教职员工活动和会议取消.  All general offices are closed.  只有必要的员工(定义见下文)必须在他们的定期轮班期间报到工作. All other employees (faculty and staff) are excused from work with pay.
    For instance, if the campus closes early, 所有在上课时间结束前开课的课程将按规定时间开始上课,但必须在上课时间结束.
  • 延迟开启:延迟开启是指所有操作在较晚的时间开启, 除了那些对保护生命和财产至关重要的行动.
    For instance, if the College announces the campus will open at 10:00 am, all classes with a start time before that time will NOT meet.  During the time of the delayed opening, 只有必要的员工必须在他们的正常班次报到工作. 在校园关闭期间,所有其他员工(教职员工)都可以带薪休假.
  • 取消课程:取消课程(校外或校内)是指取消一门课程, several, or all classes, in the absence of officially closing the entire campus.
  • 非学术活动的取消:非学术活动的取消是指体育赛事等活动的取消, theatrical productions, concerts, or workshops.
  • 基本员工:由校长指定为学院/校园提供基本服务的员工.



In times of weather or other emergencies, the assessment of conditions and determinations of closures, 延迟或取消全球赌博十大网站校园是全球赌博十大网站主席的责任, or his/her designee in the absence of the President. 明尼苏达州罗彻斯特地区巡逻队的工作人员, Minnesota Department of Transportation in Rochester, 奥姆斯特德县和罗彻斯特市的执法和公路养护中心可以在作出任何决定取消或关闭之前咨询现有的旅行和安全状况.

Whenever possible, the decision to close the campus, have a delayed opening or cancel day classes will be made prior to 6:00 a.m. 如有可能,晚上的课程将在下午3点前取消.m.


During an emergency, an emergency alert e-mail will be sent to all 全球赌博十大网站 students and employees, 并向全球赌博十大网站紧急警报系统的所有用户发送电话/短信. All campus community members are encouraged to sign-up for the 全球赌博十大网站 Emergency Alert system.

In addition, 全球赌博十大网站’s Facebook, Twitter, and website (bim.0733885.com) will have up-to-date information, 学院的总总机将有一个记录信息,说明任何校园关闭的状态(507-285-7210),以下媒体将被通知:
Television: KTTC-TV, FOX 47-TV; and KAAL-TV

  • 当校园因威胁个人健康和安全的紧急情况而关闭时, 对校园安全运作不重要的员工可以免职,但须付全薪. 全球网赌十大网站这种关闭,将采用下列补充准则:
  • 当校园关闭时,明尼苏达州立大学的雇员可以不带薪工作. The declaration of a campus closure shall, whenever possible, clearly identify the timeframe when employees are excused from work. 关闭校园适用于所有员工,与劳动合同无关. 没有请假的重要员工将按正常工资标准支付工资, during the weather or other emergency situation.
  • 上班后被打发回家的员工不应获得超过正常工作时间的工资. Employees shall not be enriched through additional compensation, including compensatory time, or increased benefits as a result of an emergency situation.
  • 任命当局要求继续工作的重要雇员的工资不应超过他们的正常工作时间或实际工作时间,包括任何加班时间.
  • 经批准的病假或预先安排的假期/假不得恢复其休假时间的平衡.
  • 员工在任何批准的无薪休假期间,不得支付此紧急休假时间的工资.
  • Employees who are called in, on the day of an emergency, from vacation time, 从宣布紧急情况之日起至排定轮班结束之日止,补休时间或无薪休假将记入紧急休假, if the appointing authority ceased operation during their regular shift.
  • 员工统一工时报告应在其报告的备注部分注明所使用的紧急工时数.
  • When classes are canceled but the campus is not closed, 适当的课程调整应由教师在个人的基础上作出. Cancellation of classes does not excuse any employee from work. Employees, including faculty, may take personal leave, vacation leave or use earned compensatory time when classes are canceled, and they chose to be absent from work.
  • When non-academic activities are canceled, the activities shall be rescheduled when appropriate and possible.
  • Due to personal circumstance during inclement weather, such as place of residence, 员工们可能会发现,即使校园还没有关闭,也有必要提前下班. 此外,即使校园是开放的,员工也可能无法上班. In such cases, emergency/personal leave or vacation leave may be granted.

Updates: 11/2/22